Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 4, 2014

Dear All New York State Drivers:

As New York drivers, unfortunately, we are known for always being in a rush. This is not necessarily a good thing. While people scream obscenities through their car windows, we just brush it off and cut them off. New York drivers need to be the same so we can all avoid car accidents and stress.

If you have ever driven through New York City, you are lucky to have survived and can safely drive in New York. As Buddy the Elf said, “The yellow ones don’t stop!” He was right, taxis really don't stop. New York City drivers are very aggressive.

Older drivers, should not be on the road at all. I'm sure everyone has experienced this, when you are behind a slow driver, you automatically know it is a senior citizen driving. They just cannot keep up with today’s aggressive driving. They also need to stay out of the left lane. There should really be an age limit when it comes to driving in New York, especially in the city.

Become accustomed to New York driving. Out of state drivers are used to not rushing or people screaming at you. As a driver enters New York State, they should automatically speed up and drive more aggressively.

New York’s Drivers Education programs need to improve. Today’s teachers do not show new drivers how to be more aggressive. My driver instructor took us out to a diner every morning and we went on side roads all the time. Now I’m not saying that was a bad thing, but that is why kids do not know how to drive.

In the future, we can, as a society, prepare the new drivers on how the real roads operate instead of just going on side streets. Drivers Ed programs need to be more intense and show the reality of driving.


Christopher G. Oppedisano

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Informal Response

      Technology is around us everywhere we go. Essentially, it is taking over our lives. I definitely agreed with Dora's blog post "Digital versus Print" (Dora). She has some great points and everything she states is agreeable. People in todays society rely on technology everyday.
     Books are the last thing a person will think to get information on a topic. This is because books are inaccurate, and up to date. Dora says in her blog "It is not common to find people using resources from a book".(Dora) This is completely agreeable because it is a fact. Print is slowly diminishing from the eye of young students and being replaced with digital. 
      Books aren't updated every day. Dora states "All the information we may need is in the palm of our hands".(Dora) As this is true,in the print world, it takes several minutes to either go to the index or get a paper cut scrambling through pages. Information is so simple to find by the touch of a screen. We can search a topic within thirty seconds with the technology at hand today. 
       As a student, books are big, bulky, and just an annoyance.Dora explains that "Print uses up paper that effects the environment".(Dora) She is completely correct. Digital doesn't have that complex issue. There's no cost to the environment. Digital is slim, paperless, and most importantly, environment safe.
       Today's society will always rely on technology. There will always be hand held devices that are quick and reliable. Tomorrow, technology will be better and faster. People will continue to use it and fall in love with it. It has taken over our lives as a generation. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Digital Vs. Print

Todays generation is all about the newest thing in technology. The age of print is slowly deteriorating. In the article “Why Digital is Better than Print” by Dan Black, he shows how digital is taking over society in a positive way. Digital is becoming more advanced in every aspect of life.

When a person walks into a library today, people are not looking at books. Instead, they are on a computer doing research. "The ability to dive deep into the archives of all media to pull up relevant results the moment you need it". (1) Technology is always up to date and it does not cause a problem to find answers immediately and accurately.

Technology can be updated at a cost-effective price and done so very efficiently. "Print on the other hand, is literally bound to its medium". (2) A person can not do additional research regarding  specific topic in a book. A person would be required to go to a computer. With technology, information can be obtained within seconds. 

In the technology era, when something is put out on the internet, people are inspired to do research and do amazing things in the world. "Once you digitize something, you unleash a world of possibilities". (3) The possibilities are endless. Digital can inspire an entire population to make a change in society. 

Digital technology will continue to gain popularity especially in this generation. Society will always be dependant on technology on a day-to-day basis. In the future, technology will be around us every second of the day. 

Work Cited

Blank, Dan. “Why Digital Is Better Than Print.” I Feel Fine: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Web. danblank.com. n. p. 5 August 2000. web.  27 October 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome Post by Chris

Welcome to my Welcome Post. I am very excited to start this semester in English 101 and become a stronger, more elaborate writer. I am in this class mainly because my advisor advised i take this course! When I am not in class at Nassau Community College, I am devoting my time to being a volunteer firefighter for the Village of Farmingdale. I became a firefighter exactly 1 year ago and I have loved every minute of it. I am looking forward to spending time in English 101 this semester!